The 2016 National MSME Survey focused on capturing MSMEs’ business particulars; qualification needs and employment; training and skills development for the operators and employees; expenditure and income. The Survey also documented details on seasonal variations and innovations, organization and marketing, access to information and amenities, capital and technology, access to credit, business constraints, and the closures.
In total, 50,043 MSMEs were sampled for the survey, targeting licensed businesses. A further 14,000 households were sampled targeted to capture household based enterprises which are largely unlicensed. This survey therefore offers detailed insight on MSMEs in Kenya. It is further the first comprehensive survey on MSMEs in Kenya. The need for up-to-date, accurate and reliable data is paramount to; fast track development by both national and county governments and to inform the formulation and implementation of national policies, programmes, projects and strategies.
In view of the importance of the sector, the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) in collaboration with the Institute for Development Studies (IDS) of the University of Nairobi, African Centre for Economic Growth (ACEG) and K-Rep designed the 2016 MSME Survey; to better understand the magnitude, dynamics, and various factors that can promote or hinder their creation, growth and development in Kenya.[wpdm_package id=3614 template=”link-template-calltoaction3.php”]