The Leading Economic Indicators highlights trends in Consumer Price Indices (CPI) and inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, international trade, agriculture, energy, manufacturing, building and construction, tour-ism and transport.
The total number of visitors arriving through Jomo Kenyatta (JKIA) and Moi International Airports (MIA) in-creased to 105,862 in December 2017 from 72,573 in November 2017.
The number of passengers who landed at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) increased from 179,477 in October 2017 to 179,549 in November 2017, while passengers who embarked decreased from 108,770 persons to 108,757 persons in the same period.
The total number of vehicles registered increased to 23,264 in December 2017 from 22,954 in November 2017. 14,013 motorcycles and 5,800 station wagons were registered during the month of December 2017.[wpdm_package id=4695 template=”link-template-calltoaction3.php”]
Leading Economic Indicator December 2017

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