There exists data gaps on access and usage of ICTs in enterprises and public institutions, Therefore, the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) and the Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) conducted the 2016 ICT Public Sector and Enterprise Surveys with a view to providing comprehensive information on the availability of ICT infrastructure, access and use of ICTs. The surveys were conducted in the period of February-May 2016
The main objective of the 2016 ICT Public Sector and Enterprise surveys was to measure:
• Access to ICTs and
• Use of ICTs
Specific objectives of the surveys were to:
• Assess the availability of ICTs infrastructure and their applications in enterprises and public institutions;
• Measure the usage of e-commerce in enterprises;
• Measure availability of e-government services in public institutions;
• Assess the existence of ICT policies
• Generate national level ICT baseline indicators for both enterprises and public institutions