Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) in collaboration with Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) and Kenya Investment Authority (KenInvest) is conducting the Foreign Investment Survey 2013 (FIS2013) from February to April 2013. Foreign Investment Survey will be administered to sampled enterprises in Kenya with international transactions. The survey seeks to measure and monitor national statistics on stocks and flows of inward and outward foreign investments during calendar years 2009, 2010 and 2011. The survey will also capture information on investor perceptions on the business environment that might affect decision making for investment and business activity.
The specific objectives of the survey are to:
• Provide necessary information to guide policy response to private capital flows;
• Collect data for assessment of investors’ perception of the investment climate with a view to identifying ways to improve it;
• Facilitate the harmonization of Balance of Payments Statistics with other East African Community (EAC) partner states;
• Facilitate compliance with international standards in data monitoring and presentation and;
• Provide quality information for international institutions and researchers.
Given the technical nature of the data required, it will be necessary for the information to be provided by Chief Executive Officers or equivalent in cooperation with the Finance Manager, Accountant or equivalent.
The findings from FIS2013 will have considerable advantages to stakeholders both in the public and private sectors, which include:
• A national database of stocks and flows of inward and outward foreign investment and related financial instruments for the reference periods 2009, 2010 and 2011;
• Improved quality of Balance of Payments Statistics that meets international standards;
• Availability of data for compilation of the International Investment Position (IIP);
• Information on the direction of foreign direct investment and other investments;
• Information on investor perception of the investment climate in the country and;
• Useful information to international institutions and researchers to facilitate research on topical issues.
In case of any queries, you may contact us through the following addresses; or or Telephone: +254 20 317 583/6/8