The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics on behalf of the Kenya Film Commission is carrying out a film industry satellite account survey (FISA 2022). The survey’s purpose is to collect data necessary for the development of film industry satellite accounts. Data from the survey will also be used to determine the contribution of the film industry to Kenya’s economy
The specific objective of FISA is to determine the economic contribution of Kenya’s film industry to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In order to achieve this, FISA will establish a framework for estimating
- The revenue/output/turnover generated in the film industry.
- The value addition-Gross Value added in the film industry.
The level of investment in the film industry i.e., gross capital formation/fixed assets
- The wage employment and type of jobs generated by the film industry in Kenya.
- Earnings by those employed in the film industry
The Survey runs from 9th May to 24th June 2022.