Many institutions require substantial technical assistance and capacity building, to effectively produce sufficient and quality environment statistics. In addition to this, environmental expertise, scientific knowledge, institutional development capabilities, and adequate resources are equally necessary for the productions of quality environmental statistics.
Reading an opening speech on behalf of KNBS Director General Mr. Zachary Mwangi during the opening of the 3 day National Workshop on Environmental statistics, KNBS production and Statistics Director Mr. James Gatungu, said these challenges are a hindrance to many developing countries.
Mr. Gatungu said environment statistics portray key information about the state of the environment and its most relevant changes through space and time. “These statistics are necessary for producing environment assessments, state of the environment reports, environment compendia, environmental indicators, indicators of sustainable development as well as to facilitate environmental – economic accounts”, he noted.
United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) Associate Statistician Reena Shah said the Workshop would help build national capacities for implementation of the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES 2013) Framework, to provide statisticians and experts from ministries of environment with detailed knowledge and understanding of contemporary approaches to environment statistics. Ms. Reena also said the FDES 2013 are a useful tool in the context of Sustainable Development Goals.
Meanwhile the Ministry of environment and natural resource representative Mr. Antony Mugane appreciated the effort by UNSD to strengthen national capacities of developing countries for the sustained, regular production of environmental statistics.
Speaking during the workshop, East African Community representative Mr. Michael Gitau said partner states should ensure promotion of sustainable utilisation of natural resources. He urged them to take up measures that effectively protect natural environment. “Partner States need to co-ordinate their policies in the management of environment and natural resources,’’ he said.
The National Workshop on Environment Statistics in support of the implementation of the Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES 2013) is jointly organized by Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD).
Environmental statistics key to Environmental Information